I am just like you, really I am I sometimes yell at my kids! (just ask them!) I say things I shouldn't. I forget birthdays and special things. I fail! I get excited at the little things in life. I don't always react the right way! But I have a God who loves me in spite of all this! A God who created me just the way I am. And I believe that when I fail or fall short God doesn't look at me like the people in this world do instead He looks at me and Say's "Good! Christina's one step closer to getting it!" I am Thankful for a God who knows me, and still Loves me! A God who's grace is enough!
Psalm 37: 5-6
Open up before God, keep nothing back;
he'll do whatever needs to be done:
He'll validate your life in the clear light of day
and stamp you with approval at high noon.
Have a Beautiful Day!
(perfectly imperfect)