Saturday, June 6, 2009

~*~ Girls Night In ~*~

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Last Night we had a Middle School Girls Night In! And it was fabulous! 24 Middle school girls came out for a night of Music, A Movie ( A Walk to Remember), Munchies, and GAMES! We started out with the munchies and games... after a few rounds of Sardines it was time to gather together and watch our movie for the night: A WALK TO REMEMBER. Not only do I Love this movie it has a great message about Love, Forgiveness, and Change. I will post more on this later! After the movie, I wiped the tears (If you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend it!) and we discussed the the movie. About 45 minutes later we played our first and last game of murder! and then went back to sardines! I am so tired today but it's worth it to see the girls put it together, to see how God works, and can work in their lives. The movie Discussion was my favorite part of the night we talked about the list Jamie makes with all the things she wants to do before she dies... and to hear the girls ideas of what they would put on their list was interesting but it made me think, and I hope it got them thinking to, about what I want to accomplish before my time here is up! Am I open to hearing God's plan and not just my own? I hope so. Are my ideas for what I want to do balanced with what God has planned? I guess time will tell!

Have a Beautiful Day!

Enjoy the Pictures:

Waiting to play Sardines

The Girls getting into the movie discussion:

Getting Instructions to Play Murder

A Great Night was had by All:


  1. M&M had a FABULOUS time at Girls' Night! In fact, they have enjoyed all the activities you've planned for the Middle School girls. You are so GREAT at what you do! Thank you for all that you do!!

  2. Thanks again for your dedication to the middle school girls! My girls thoroughly enjoy all the activities you plan. I'm so glad you had a great turn-out last night!

  3. Thank you so much for your ministry to middle school girls. It's such a hard age, trying to figure out WHO AM I? Megan has bloomed since she has met with you and I'm so thankful for women like you who have the gift of teaching middle school girls, turning them into wonderful young women! Thank you for all you do! God Bless!

    PS: Megan had a great time last night!

  4. You are just a wonderful blessing to our church. I will be praying for you this week for your health and energy. God Bless You!


  5. THANK YOU.. (ps. according to randa i've bloomed)Thanks to all you woman at chruch i want to come there all the time. of course i want to see my dad and randa and my little brother, but i come for church too. i was bummed that on the 31st i didnt get to come to church my older brother had some basketball games and i went to kansas city.
    thanks for everything you are all amazing
