So Saturday was a very Busy Day! We had the womens luncheon : Lunch "N" & Laugh "N" @ FBC and it was fabulous a smaller group of women were there and we enjoyed some time of fellowship, some yummy salads and of course Laughing! Our Speaker Sharon McCoy was fabulous and I know that I laughed off all the calories I ate!(ok not all but atleast from the jellybeans!) :) (Note: You burn approximately 40 calories per half hour of laughing!) So I don't need to stop eating I just need to laugh more!
After the luncheon I hurried home to began preparing for Prom... Earl was wonderful and finished up the few last minute cleaning things that needed to be done so I was able to sit and watch part of a movie with Katie and Earl. I began to prepare the dinner for Rebecca and her friends.. after I go the appetizer done and the Parmigian Chicken in the Oven I went to work on her hair. After the hair was done I was back in the kitchen finishing up the dinner. (I didnt get a picture of all the food but trust me it was delicious!) After the kids got to our house we took a few pictures they went downstairs to eat and watch movies!
The Table (Before Dinner)
~*~ Dalton, Rebecca, & Josh ~*~
~*~ Rebecca& Katie ~*~
I hope you enjoy these for now. Want to see more? Check out the facebook! Have a Beautiful Day! I am only sorry I missed out on getting some pictures of the Luncheon.