Sunday, November 1, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

This will be a crazy busy week for us, since I will be going out of town to a Women's retreat Thursday through Sunday and The Hubby and Kids will be left to fend for themselves.

Sunday: Chicken Curry Crockpot Meal Served with Rice
Just have to say this was great to come home to after church on Sunday.
I got this recipe from a fabulous cookbook: Fix it and Forget it.

Meatloaf (made in the crockpot so it cooks all day Yummy!
Potato's, Green beans

Stovetop Easy Chicken Bake (A Fabulous all in one Meal)
STOVE TOP Easy Chicken Bake recipe at

Dinner at Church Lasanga

Corn Dogs French Fries and Bagged Salad (We will be on the road most of the day, Since Earl is driving me to Roach, MO for the Women's Retreat and then returning home)

Taco Soup/Crockpot Dinner @ Church's Family Fun Night
if your in Augusta come out @ 6:30 bring your favorote Crockpot meal and a Dessert to share!

Turkey Burgers (we buy these from Aldi's so Delicious!)

Wow just writing these out made me hungry! Have a great week! Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the Women's Retreat!
    I'm always looking for different meal ideas. That's why I love MPM.
    You have a great week!
